Smoked Beef Brisket With Arepas

Beef Brisket With Arepas
cooking time icon

cook time: 8-12hrs

Moderate Cooking Icon

Difficulty: Moderate 

Prep Time Icon

Prep time: 45min 

Serving Icon

Serves: 6 people


For Beef Brisket

  • 1 Trimmed beef brisket (approximately 3.5-4.5kg)
  • Your favourite spice rub, for this cook we used Hard Core Carnivore Red
  • 150ml Beef stock

For The Arepas

  • 2Cups PAN flour
  • 1½cup of Luke warm water
  • Pinch salt
  • 1tsp Veg oil 

To Serve

  • Coleslaw
  • Salsa
  • Grated Queso de Mano/ queso fresca/ mozzarella
  • Guacamole


For The Brisket

  1. Prepare your smoker/ bbq to 110-130֯C
  2. Generously sprinkle your spice rub on your brisket and place on a high rack or grate
  3. Smoke for 3-4hrs, then wrap with butcher’s paper/ foil adding in the beef stock. Continue to cook for a further 3hrs or until internal temp reaches 96֯C or probes easily
  4. Unwrap and continue to cook for an additional 30min to form a crust
  5. When your brisket is ready it should wobble without parting, hold its integrity when pressed but still be spongey like a marshmallow
  6. Rewrap the brisket and wrap in a towel to insulate heat to rest
Raw Arepa

For The Arepa

  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until well incorporated
  2. Cover the bowl and allow the PAN flour to rehydrate for approximately 30min
  3. Weigh out 150g balls and form into small discs (approximately 3-4” in diameter and 8mm thick)
  4. Prepare a frying pan to medium heat with a generous amount of oil
  5. Fry the arepa on both sides until golden and when tapped will sound hollow
Grilled Arepa

To Serve

Slice your brisket into 5mm strips and split your arepas in half with a sharp knife

Assemble your condiments and fill like you would a taco share with your friends and family

Beef Brisket Arepa